Добро пожаловать в Блок 1: Жизнь вокруг меня - globamba.com

Smart English Elementary

    Welcome to Block 1: Life Around Me
    3 Topics
  2. 1.1 People Around Me
    11 Workouts
  3. 1.2 About My Family
    12 Workouts
  4. 1.3 Writing: A Personal Profile
    3 Workouts
  5. 1.4 Communication Skills Development: Sharing an Opinion
    9 Workouts
  6. 1.5 Final Project Preparation and Review
    3 Workouts
  7. 1.6 Final Project Presentations
    4 Workouts

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Lesson 1 of 84
In Progress

Welcome to Block 1: Life Around Me

Dear Students!

Welcome to Block 5 of Smart English Elementary Course!

Do you have a big family or small? During this block we will talk about family. Specifically, we will focus on vocabulary and linguistic structures that will support the fluency and structure of our discussions on this topic:

  1. Vocabulary: Family members, Personality adjectives
  2. Grammar: Revision of Present Simple + Possessives

This block will culminate with your final presentation of yourself.

Enjoy learning!
